Tuesday, May 28, 2013


So, remember when we climbed the stairs to the Redeemer Statue? Well we found out that if you descend by the other side, you can pass a bunch of cool waterfalls....

I try to get the camera from elder Winkel in a bit. But it was awesome!!! quite the workout. I counted the stairs more or less 1058... It's like Kung Fu Panda when he gets to the top and is all out of breath.

Ah man I love it here. We were pretty disappointed this weekend, almost all of our investigators didn't come to church, and a lot of less actives didn't come.
The good news is that we are hoping to baptize 5 people this week, we're super excited because one of them finally decided to get married, (with the papers) we'll go with them to sign the papers tomorrow.

Here are some photos
It's a workout and the trail is a little crazy, but there were like 7-8 different waterfalls, two of them were pretty big.

Sending these photos will probably take up the rest of my time.

Minute to win it we had 6 people. It was because we had a baptism right before, so people were still at the church.

After church we got buckets because we have to empty the font by hand a lot, it doesn't drain very well!

President Prieto is coming out here this next weekend. I'm excited for that, he better not bring missionaries to transfer!!! :)

Love you all tons!
Elder Wallace

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