Hey family!
So this week was a bit crazy, we traveled to GoiĆ¢nia thursday and got back Friday... That ate up a bit of our time. Saturday and Sunday we were very blessed for our dilligence.
We've been trying to work more with the members here for about a month. I think it's like trying to get a team of oxen going, it's a real pain to get them started, but once we get them going the work is lot easier than pushing and pulling by yourself.
We finally started to have some results! Last sunday a sister from the other ward introduced two of her friends that were visiting, jhonny and Luciana! Luciana is awesome, and she drags Jhonny along, when we finish the lesson she says "when are you guys going to come back?", We invited her to a family night and jhonny said "we might have another commitment" Luciana responded "We'll cancel it then!"
All I can think is wow, this is a lot better than fighting all week to get people to come to church and then having about half of them show up! We now have 5 investigators, 3 with a baptismal date. 4 of them were Referals from the members, and 1 was a referal from Jaine, (wilson, who will be baptized this saturday!!!)
Sometimes we've really got to work hard to get the team moving but it is definitely a lot better than working alone. One family night I had been hounding this family to invite their neighbors to come all week, to which they agreed, but they hadn't invited them. So we went over to the houses on both sides of theirs and invited the neighbors over for them. It was an awesome family night!
Wow time sure flies, we'll have transfers here next week and I'm hoping to stay, I love this ward. But it's a long shot since I've been here 7 1/2 months.
I gave a talk in sacrament meeting. I talked about how we have TONS of work to do here (we want a full quorum, seminary, caravan to the temple, activities, mutual, etc) and how we want all these things but we have to have a good attitude and go about our work cheerfully. Like nefi, I will go and do.
Love you all and have a fantastic week!
Elder Wallace
49 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto them that they should murmur no more against their father; neither should they withhold their labor from me, for God had commanded me that I should abuild a ship.
50 And I said unto them: aIf God had commanded me to do all things I could do them. If he should command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth; and if I should say it, it would be done.
51 And now, if the Lord has such great power, and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannotainstruct me, that I should build a ship?
Alma 36 3 I do know that whosoever shall put their atrust in God shall be supported in their btrials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be clifted up at the last day.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Well let's see what I did this week.
I've been running to different parts of the city to go on exchanges with all the elders in the district. I'm trying a lot harder to work with the members. I'm one of those missionaries that thought for the longest time working with the members is more work than working by yourself! I think I got used to that in the branch in Barra. But I'm learning slowly and steadily.
Experience: We saw I guy I taught one time REALLY drunk in the supermarket. (ok this actually happens a lot since I have 7 months in this area and know pretty much which drunks go to which bars)
But I really liked this guy, so we resolved to help him get home. How hard could it be? he only lived a block away...
15 minutes later we had only been able to get him outside the market and into the street... I was seriously thinking "He's pretty heavy but Elder Ashby and i can carry him, would it make too much of a seen?" Luckily we were able to coax him to his house in 20 minutes, using many tricks like: "hurry there's someone waiting behind you" "look it's going to start to rain in a bit" "come a little bit forward, the ground is more even here" Elder Ashby tried singing, I started counting the steps he made and that seemed to help.
When he got home he was wishing he was still back in the super market. His wife gave him a look that would kill a mile away.
I felt really sad but was happy we got him home, since we had taught that family a few times and had really made some progress with their son before leaving them.
Love you all!
Don't ever drink!
Elder Wallace
I've been running to different parts of the city to go on exchanges with all the elders in the district. I'm trying a lot harder to work with the members. I'm one of those missionaries that thought for the longest time working with the members is more work than working by yourself! I think I got used to that in the branch in Barra. But I'm learning slowly and steadily.
Experience: We saw I guy I taught one time REALLY drunk in the supermarket. (ok this actually happens a lot since I have 7 months in this area and know pretty much which drunks go to which bars)
But I really liked this guy, so we resolved to help him get home. How hard could it be? he only lived a block away...
15 minutes later we had only been able to get him outside the market and into the street... I was seriously thinking "He's pretty heavy but Elder Ashby and i can carry him, would it make too much of a seen?" Luckily we were able to coax him to his house in 20 minutes, using many tricks like: "hurry there's someone waiting behind you" "look it's going to start to rain in a bit" "come a little bit forward, the ground is more even here" Elder Ashby tried singing, I started counting the steps he made and that seemed to help.
When he got home he was wishing he was still back in the super market. His wife gave him a look that would kill a mile away.
I felt really sad but was happy we got him home, since we had taught that family a few times and had really made some progress with their son before leaving them.
Love you all!
Don't ever drink!
Elder Wallace
Feliz Ano Novo!
Happy new year everybody!
Alright, so you all know I speak english funny now... haha. Go head and chuckle, but I was pretty proud of how well I spoke!
This week sacrament meeting was one of the most spiritual fast and testimony meetings that I have ever witnessed. It was fantastic and completely free of apostasy! haha.
It was a little tough to work that week with the holidays, but now we're catching a lot of people home that normally aren't at home, so that's great. I got wise on new year's eve, bought ear plugs... good thing two, our house was shaking from the neighbors music. I only woke up at midnight when is sounded like WW3 was happening outside our window. Sounded like explosions and cars wrecking... The next morning there was nobody, NOBODY in the streets until like 2pm.
We've got our convert (jaine)'s boyfriend on date to be baptized on the 18th! WOOOOOO!!! Wilson is his name.
Elder Wallace
Alright, so you all know I speak english funny now... haha. Go head and chuckle, but I was pretty proud of how well I spoke!
This week sacrament meeting was one of the most spiritual fast and testimony meetings that I have ever witnessed. It was fantastic and completely free of apostasy! haha.
It was a little tough to work that week with the holidays, but now we're catching a lot of people home that normally aren't at home, so that's great. I got wise on new year's eve, bought ear plugs... good thing two, our house was shaking from the neighbors music. I only woke up at midnight when is sounded like WW3 was happening outside our window. Sounded like explosions and cars wrecking... The next morning there was nobody, NOBODY in the streets until like 2pm.
We've got our convert (jaine)'s boyfriend on date to be baptized on the 18th! WOOOOOO!!! Wilson is his name.
Elder Wallace
Me and my trainer Elder Bennatti who is now AP
Wilson (boyfriend) Jaine (baptized) Donizete and Terezinha (who always help us) and Luiz (Ward mission leader)
Christmas Pics
Happy Holidays!
This week we met our goal for contacts, 100 per week per missionary! And on the 100th contact that Elder Ashby made, the family accepted a baptismal date in the first contact!!! Woohoo!
So Jaine was baptized and comfirmed without a problem. she was really happy and is super excited for the change in her life. It's been hard for her, researching the church, because her kids don't want anything to do with her and they have some problems at home.
She's had a good support from the ward, and that's the only way that she would be baptized, because she hasn't gotten support from anyone else.
Christmas was a REALLY slow day. We sang hymns to a few members, people in the street, and caroled a bit... People had never seen this before, but it must not have been too bad, we were applauded every time haha.
Besides that We've had a few trials, a family that we were teaching is now avoiding us, we've yet to talk face to face to find out why. It's hard because I really love the people we teach. We get to know them and their trials and dreams really quickly.
I challenged my district to a competition to see who could talk to the most people this week. The deal was that if a companionship made more contacts than Elder Ashby and I, we would shine their shoes... This week I'll just be shining my own shoes, but next week we'll up the stakes.
I'm trying to think of a few programs I can start as District leader. I want to do something like amazing Race or Weekly combat or something. I think competitions are great because they keep us enthusiastic about the work.
It was fantastic to see all of you! You're all so beautiful!!! haha. Keep being who you guys are and never ever mess with drugs!
Elder Wallace
This week we met our goal for contacts, 100 per week per missionary! And on the 100th contact that Elder Ashby made, the family accepted a baptismal date in the first contact!!! Woohoo!
So Jaine was baptized and comfirmed without a problem. she was really happy and is super excited for the change in her life. It's been hard for her, researching the church, because her kids don't want anything to do with her and they have some problems at home.
She's had a good support from the ward, and that's the only way that she would be baptized, because she hasn't gotten support from anyone else.
Christmas was a REALLY slow day. We sang hymns to a few members, people in the street, and caroled a bit... People had never seen this before, but it must not have been too bad, we were applauded every time haha.
Besides that We've had a few trials, a family that we were teaching is now avoiding us, we've yet to talk face to face to find out why. It's hard because I really love the people we teach. We get to know them and their trials and dreams really quickly.
I challenged my district to a competition to see who could talk to the most people this week. The deal was that if a companionship made more contacts than Elder Ashby and I, we would shine their shoes... This week I'll just be shining my own shoes, but next week we'll up the stakes.
I'm trying to think of a few programs I can start as District leader. I want to do something like amazing Race or Weekly combat or something. I think competitions are great because they keep us enthusiastic about the work.
It was fantastic to see all of you! You're all so beautiful!!! haha. Keep being who you guys are and never ever mess with drugs!
Elder Wallace
Christmas Morning Skype With Aaron
It was wonderful to be able to Skype with Aaron on Christmas Day. It's always the most exciting part of Christmas when you have a missionary out in the field! He was cute and really had a Brazilian accent going on. He would forget how to say some words in English and would sometimes slip into Portuguese as he was talking. He is such a wonderful son...we love and miss him so much, but know he is making a huge difference in the lives of those people to whom he is introducing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I will post a couple of video clips of our visit.
Feliz Natal
Feliz Natal Everybody! From Scorching Beautiful Brazil
I know that Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. I didn't always have the relationship that I have with him now. With time he has put me in various situations that test me and prove me. Like we learn in Ether 12:27 when we come to him he shows us our weaknesses, so that we will be humble and learn to do his will.
I've learned this year that it's not about "love the people" It's about loving people. All people. My comp, my leaders, my investigators, members, people in the street. When we learn to see our brothers and Sisters the way Christ would, we can love them knowing very little about them. I know that God knows every one of them personally and loves them more than we can comprehend, so when we try to see them the way he would, we too develop that love. 1 Cor 13:2
2 And though I have the gift of aprophecy, and understand allbmysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
There is nothing better than the life I'm living now. I don't mean to brag, it's just a fact! I see miracles that come through our faith. I see lives change and people learn WHO Christ really is. I've come to really care about people. I've learned to be diligent and just keep working and working, having a perfect hope and faith that the Lord will keep the promises he has made.
I've learned to not fear people, when we go about boldly and humbly doing the Lord's will, we have nothing, NOTHING that can stand before us. For if the Lord is with us, who can stand against us? I think of Amon and Samuel the Lamanite and Gideon. We can do anything the Lord asks us to do. 1 John 4:18
18 There is no afear in blove; but perfect clove casteth out fear: because fear hath dtorment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Let us go about doing the Lord's will, and he will always be with us.
“I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”
DC 88:84
I Love you all and thank each one of you for the essential part that each one of you have played in my life. Merry Christmas and lets keep the Spirit of Christ with us the whole year.
With love,
Elder Wallace
I know that Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. I didn't always have the relationship that I have with him now. With time he has put me in various situations that test me and prove me. Like we learn in Ether 12:27 when we come to him he shows us our weaknesses, so that we will be humble and learn to do his will.
I've learned this year that it's not about "love the people" It's about loving people. All people. My comp, my leaders, my investigators, members, people in the street. When we learn to see our brothers and Sisters the way Christ would, we can love them knowing very little about them. I know that God knows every one of them personally and loves them more than we can comprehend, so when we try to see them the way he would, we too develop that love. 1 Cor 13:2
2 And though I have the gift of aprophecy, and understand allbmysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
There is nothing better than the life I'm living now. I don't mean to brag, it's just a fact! I see miracles that come through our faith. I see lives change and people learn WHO Christ really is. I've come to really care about people. I've learned to be diligent and just keep working and working, having a perfect hope and faith that the Lord will keep the promises he has made.
I've learned to not fear people, when we go about boldly and humbly doing the Lord's will, we have nothing, NOTHING that can stand before us. For if the Lord is with us, who can stand against us? I think of Amon and Samuel the Lamanite and Gideon. We can do anything the Lord asks us to do. 1 John 4:18
18 There is no afear in blove; but perfect clove casteth out fear: because fear hath dtorment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Let us go about doing the Lord's will, and he will always be with us.
“I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”
DC 88:84
I Love you all and thank each one of you for the essential part that each one of you have played in my life. Merry Christmas and lets keep the Spirit of Christ with us the whole year.
With love,
Feliz Natal!
Yes, it's almost that time of year! Though here in Brazil it's a bit different. Here are some things that are the same:
There are a few houses that have a strand of lights,
The christmas trees are about to my waist and cost $60usd!!!
The people that like to party are happy for one more holiday!
A big lunch, with all the family.
Christmas hymns in church.
People waited until November to put christmas gear in stores. That's how it should be.
Really hot. (I'm hoping for rain)
People are thinking about Christ more.
Christmas Caroling (I want to do it but we might get the police called on us, I've talked to a few members about doing it and the reaction is either: oh that's awesome! or "you're crazy") Either way we're sure to get a few great reactions with americans singing portuguese christmas hymns at your door.
We'll be eating at Sister Vani's house. A senhora that was baptized about a year ago and loves the missionaries, so you can bet we'll eat well (she's had Christmas reserved for us since January 2013!!!) We'll also be calling from her house so I'm pretty excited.
I'm excited to talk to you guys, it will be great. I'm also looking forward to a Christmas Conference for our mission, we'll be headed to goiania tomorrow, and get back on thursday. Should be pretty great.
Ah man. Last week I was getting my hair cut by a member that hasn't been to church in forever (he's attending another church). I always go there to talk to him a bit and bring him back. Anyway he was a bit stressed and was talking to me about how he had argued with his Preacher... Needless to say I left there feeling good about bearing testimony of the church, but with a REALLY bad haircut... He was a bit agitated and took it out on my head... haha But my hair grows really fast so it's all good!
LOT's of miracles this week. We had interviews with president and he talked about sanctifying ourselves. I made a list and fasted and prayed, told the lord I would not do things on the list that distance me from the spirit for 40 days, that I would do the things on the list that bring me closer to the spirit for 40 days.
Ever since that day we've been seeing miracles. A man that stopped us on the street and asked for a book of mormon. Apparently he found one chucked in the rain but it's a bit tough to read. A woman that showed up in the church because "I need to fill the empty in my life." and a family of 4 that we will give baptismal dates today!
Love Elder Wallace
There are a few houses that have a strand of lights,
The christmas trees are about to my waist and cost $60usd!!!
The people that like to party are happy for one more holiday!
A big lunch, with all the family.
Christmas hymns in church.
People waited until November to put christmas gear in stores. That's how it should be.
Really hot. (I'm hoping for rain)
People are thinking about Christ more.
Christmas Caroling (I want to do it but we might get the police called on us, I've talked to a few members about doing it and the reaction is either: oh that's awesome! or "you're crazy") Either way we're sure to get a few great reactions with americans singing portuguese christmas hymns at your door.
We'll be eating at Sister Vani's house. A senhora that was baptized about a year ago and loves the missionaries, so you can bet we'll eat well (she's had Christmas reserved for us since January 2013!!!) We'll also be calling from her house so I'm pretty excited.
I'm excited to talk to you guys, it will be great. I'm also looking forward to a Christmas Conference for our mission, we'll be headed to goiania tomorrow, and get back on thursday. Should be pretty great.
Ah man. Last week I was getting my hair cut by a member that hasn't been to church in forever (he's attending another church). I always go there to talk to him a bit and bring him back. Anyway he was a bit stressed and was talking to me about how he had argued with his Preacher... Needless to say I left there feeling good about bearing testimony of the church, but with a REALLY bad haircut... He was a bit agitated and took it out on my head... haha But my hair grows really fast so it's all good!
LOT's of miracles this week. We had interviews with president and he talked about sanctifying ourselves. I made a list and fasted and prayed, told the lord I would not do things on the list that distance me from the spirit for 40 days, that I would do the things on the list that bring me closer to the spirit for 40 days.
Ever since that day we've been seeing miracles. A man that stopped us on the street and asked for a book of mormon. Apparently he found one chucked in the rain but it's a bit tough to read. A woman that showed up in the church because "I need to fill the empty in my life." and a family of 4 that we will give baptismal dates today!
Love Elder Wallace
I'm Dreaming Of A Wet Christmas
I think it is very few times that I actually let you guys in on what I do during the week. When I get finished reading the emails I just like to drop a few thoughts and my feelings. Let's see if I can remember...
Monday: We had a suprise family home evening in the House of our Elders Quorum President who had been missing in church a lot. Our Recent Convert Dalva made a cake, Donizete and Terezinha (Two members I can ALWAYS count on) brought the soda, and we all showed up with out him knowing. He loved it and has been back in church good and strong ever since.
We taught Jaine, left a short message from the Book of Mormon.
Tuesday: Eesh, I remember that we worked hard, taught 4 first lessons and got soaked in the rain.
Wednesday: Was a scorcher, we carried a table and a bunch of church materials to the store where we always buy groceries, talked to lots of people that were entering and leaving the store, and got some really good references. We taught a few other people, and had a lesson where the member we brought dropped the bomb on our investigator that her baptism wasn't valid. We were pretty down because of the way she had brought it up, and had to leave with the investigator fuming.
Thursday: We tracted in a street, found out later that the Kingdom Hall of the JW's was in that street... Met a family that is really fantastic. We bought a box of candy and left it in our investigators house (the one that exploded) to help the dust settle a bit.
Friday: After much fasting and praying, we went back to that investigator, who let us in and we had a great lesson that helped her understand better the inportance of the Preisthood in Baptism. We taught a drunk who has been chasing us in the streets since two weeks ago, discovered that he has the desire to change his life and committed him to not drink until our next visit.
Saturday: Got SOAKED in the rain again! Espidito didn't drink a drop that day! (It's been years since that has happened)
Sunday: We taught taught 14 first lessons, 6 of them committed to come to church. We chased everyone down but in the end Just Jaine came. We were clearly disappointed but looking on the bright side. The ward met together (8 of us) and we visited all the people that have been missing church as of late. That was fantastic!
She had a fantastic experience! I talked to her in the street and she asked us to pray for her family. She's a single mom and has kids 19 and 14 years old. She has talked to missionaries in the past and has tried to attend a different church varias times, but never really felt right. She felt lot's of peace and the spirit. She liked Gospel Principles especially, though I was cringing when the teacher used words like "outer darkness".
We visited her after church and she accepted a baptismal date! much to the surprise of her boyfriend.
I have been feeling the spirit a lot more as of late. I learned that just because I'm set apart, called to be a missionary and help others seek and recognize the spirit, that doesn't mean that the Lord will just give me the Spirit. I was surprised how much we actually have to work for it.
I'm learning also that the things that will make me a great missionary are doing all the little things. Visiting someone who wasn't at church, giving a priesthood blessing, washing the dishes for somebody, dropping off a box of chocolates.
Just things that let people know you care. That they're not just a number to you, that we really honestly love our investigators.
1 Corinthians 13: 2
And though I have the gift of Prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, and have not charity, I am nothing.
Love Elder Wallace
Monday: We had a suprise family home evening in the House of our Elders Quorum President who had been missing in church a lot. Our Recent Convert Dalva made a cake, Donizete and Terezinha (Two members I can ALWAYS count on) brought the soda, and we all showed up with out him knowing. He loved it and has been back in church good and strong ever since.
We taught Jaine, left a short message from the Book of Mormon.
Tuesday: Eesh, I remember that we worked hard, taught 4 first lessons and got soaked in the rain.
Wednesday: Was a scorcher, we carried a table and a bunch of church materials to the store where we always buy groceries, talked to lots of people that were entering and leaving the store, and got some really good references. We taught a few other people, and had a lesson where the member we brought dropped the bomb on our investigator that her baptism wasn't valid. We were pretty down because of the way she had brought it up, and had to leave with the investigator fuming.
Thursday: We tracted in a street, found out later that the Kingdom Hall of the JW's was in that street... Met a family that is really fantastic. We bought a box of candy and left it in our investigators house (the one that exploded) to help the dust settle a bit.
Friday: After much fasting and praying, we went back to that investigator, who let us in and we had a great lesson that helped her understand better the inportance of the Preisthood in Baptism. We taught a drunk who has been chasing us in the streets since two weeks ago, discovered that he has the desire to change his life and committed him to not drink until our next visit.
Saturday: Got SOAKED in the rain again! Espidito didn't drink a drop that day! (It's been years since that has happened)
Sunday: We taught taught 14 first lessons, 6 of them committed to come to church. We chased everyone down but in the end Just Jaine came. We were clearly disappointed but looking on the bright side. The ward met together (8 of us) and we visited all the people that have been missing church as of late. That was fantastic!
She had a fantastic experience! I talked to her in the street and she asked us to pray for her family. She's a single mom and has kids 19 and 14 years old. She has talked to missionaries in the past and has tried to attend a different church varias times, but never really felt right. She felt lot's of peace and the spirit. She liked Gospel Principles especially, though I was cringing when the teacher used words like "outer darkness".
We visited her after church and she accepted a baptismal date! much to the surprise of her boyfriend.
I have been feeling the spirit a lot more as of late. I learned that just because I'm set apart, called to be a missionary and help others seek and recognize the spirit, that doesn't mean that the Lord will just give me the Spirit. I was surprised how much we actually have to work for it.
I'm learning also that the things that will make me a great missionary are doing all the little things. Visiting someone who wasn't at church, giving a priesthood blessing, washing the dishes for somebody, dropping off a box of chocolates.
Just things that let people know you care. That they're not just a number to you, that we really honestly love our investigators.
1 Corinthians 13: 2
And though I have the gift of Prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, and have not charity, I am nothing.
Love Elder Wallace
I'm Thankful For...
We sort of forgot about what day exactly thanksgiving was. I think it was this last Thursday right?
This thanksgiving I'm thankful for:
Three Acai shops in our street, and a pizzaria, and a $4 buffet!
Our first Baptism as a companionship! (first from start to finish)
You ate Turkey, we ate the usual rice and beans! I'm pretty sure I ate chicken on thursday too, so that counts. We ate at the Self-service restaurant that we now always go to when lunch falls through, it's very very tastey there.
This week we baptized Dalva, the first person Elder Ashby has baptized that we found with our own work. FINALLY!
We've been together almost 2 months, working our tails off, I hope that we start to have much more success, we are working with some great people.
I hope to start working a lot more with the ward, we're calling a meeting with some leaders to start rescuing some less actives.
The baptism was great, we had invited a lot of members, and the leadership in the ward really stepped up, attending. Dalva was pretty nervous but she has been nothing but joyful after the baptism. It started pouring rain during the baptism, and her family and friends were trapped in the church, we took advantage of that and gave them a tour. We then got soaked tracking down a few more people to remind them about church, ending the night with a pizza and guarana (a soda that everybody loves here).
Last night we lost the keys... It's kind of a problem to get into the houses here without keys, what with the huge wall in front. I went around back to our neighbors house and applied what I learned in Helaman 13:4, scaled the wall and climbed down the clothesline. That was fun.
Man I had a fantastic study this morning! In alma 40 until 42 when Alma is giving counsel to his son Coriantum.
Especially Ch 42 I understood a lot better about Repentance and Mercy. Verses 27-28 sum up what I learned.
God created a plan that is perfect. The conditions we have in this life allow us to choose where we will go in the next life.
Repentance isn't just to fix what we did wrong. It's a change. It's a process. For us to become like God we have a lot of change to do, so thank goodness for Repentance.
All we have are these few years, but we're learning SO much! we will be forever grateful to God for Repentance, and it's only possible through the atonement.
Love you all tons,
Commence the Christmas Hymns!!!
Elder Wallace
This thanksgiving I'm thankful for:
Three Acai shops in our street, and a pizzaria, and a $4 buffet!
Our first Baptism as a companionship! (first from start to finish)
You ate Turkey, we ate the usual rice and beans! I'm pretty sure I ate chicken on thursday too, so that counts. We ate at the Self-service restaurant that we now always go to when lunch falls through, it's very very tastey there.
This week we baptized Dalva, the first person Elder Ashby has baptized that we found with our own work. FINALLY!
We've been together almost 2 months, working our tails off, I hope that we start to have much more success, we are working with some great people.
I hope to start working a lot more with the ward, we're calling a meeting with some leaders to start rescuing some less actives.
The baptism was great, we had invited a lot of members, and the leadership in the ward really stepped up, attending. Dalva was pretty nervous but she has been nothing but joyful after the baptism. It started pouring rain during the baptism, and her family and friends were trapped in the church, we took advantage of that and gave them a tour. We then got soaked tracking down a few more people to remind them about church, ending the night with a pizza and guarana (a soda that everybody loves here).
Last night we lost the keys... It's kind of a problem to get into the houses here without keys, what with the huge wall in front. I went around back to our neighbors house and applied what I learned in Helaman 13:4, scaled the wall and climbed down the clothesline. That was fun.
Man I had a fantastic study this morning! In alma 40 until 42 when Alma is giving counsel to his son Coriantum.
Especially Ch 42 I understood a lot better about Repentance and Mercy. Verses 27-28 sum up what I learned.
God created a plan that is perfect. The conditions we have in this life allow us to choose where we will go in the next life.
Repentance isn't just to fix what we did wrong. It's a change. It's a process. For us to become like God we have a lot of change to do, so thank goodness for Repentance.
All we have are these few years, but we're learning SO much! we will be forever grateful to God for Repentance, and it's only possible through the atonement.
Love you all tons,
Commence the Christmas Hymns!!!
Elder Wallace
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Commence The Christmas Hymns
Hello Family!
So I'd like to tell a bit more about the conference.
There were a lot of things President Costa said that were awesome for me. He talked about how our investigators are like a lamp that needs to recieve power from us until it lights up, they're not a bucket to be filled up with all the lessons.
He talked about the focus President Monson is putting on rescuing inactives. Are we listening to the Profet's council?
I have LOTs to do in this area with reactivation, so I'm pretty excited to continue that.
Sister Costa taught us about listening and studying with the spirit. The spirit can teach us "new truths" when we are studying. We can read or hear something in a new way, the spirit touches our hearts and we understand better than before. I love the promise the lord makes for us in Doctrine and Covenants 121 45-46
I learned that I need to be more bold. Which I have been doing now. People don't KNOW what we know, they don't HAVE what we have! When someone says they already have a religion, or already know the word of God, I promise them that they've never heard the things we will tell them in 20 minutes. They need this message.
These past few weeks I feel like we've been teaching more with the spirit. We finished a lesson, said the prayer and left right away, without sticking around to chat, and the family just sat their. It was like they were stunned. President Costa taught us to teach and leave the spirit work on them.
Love you tons!
Here are some pics of the zoo that we visited, it was cool, and free!
unfortunately the Ant-eater wasn't home. The zoo keepers don't know, but he leaves his pen periodically through a whole in the fence to go eat ants, and he sneaks back before anybody knows.
Elder Wallace
So I'd like to tell a bit more about the conference.
There were a lot of things President Costa said that were awesome for me. He talked about how our investigators are like a lamp that needs to recieve power from us until it lights up, they're not a bucket to be filled up with all the lessons.
He talked about the focus President Monson is putting on rescuing inactives. Are we listening to the Profet's council?
I have LOTs to do in this area with reactivation, so I'm pretty excited to continue that.
Sister Costa taught us about listening and studying with the spirit. The spirit can teach us "new truths" when we are studying. We can read or hear something in a new way, the spirit touches our hearts and we understand better than before. I love the promise the lord makes for us in Doctrine and Covenants 121 45-46
I learned that I need to be more bold. Which I have been doing now. People don't KNOW what we know, they don't HAVE what we have! When someone says they already have a religion, or already know the word of God, I promise them that they've never heard the things we will tell them in 20 minutes. They need this message.
These past few weeks I feel like we've been teaching more with the spirit. We finished a lesson, said the prayer and left right away, without sticking around to chat, and the family just sat their. It was like they were stunned. President Costa taught us to teach and leave the spirit work on them.
Love you tons!
Here are some pics of the zoo that we visited, it was cool, and free!
unfortunately the Ant-eater wasn't home. The zoo keepers don't know, but he leaves his pen periodically through a whole in the fence to go eat ants, and he sneaks back before anybody knows.
Elder Wallace
Because p-day was on Wednesday the Zoo here was open!
-The lion was actually awake
-Unsa pintada, leopard that tried to pee on us. Luckily missionaries are really agile
-I was super excited to see the Tamandua(anteater) but he was hiding.
-The lion was actually awake
-Unsa pintada, leopard that tried to pee on us. Luckily missionaries are really agile
-I was super excited to see the Tamandua(anteater) but he was hiding.
President Costa
Wow, I will have to email all of you... Monday (wow I almost forgot the name of Monday)
We had a fantastic conference with President and Sister Costa, the area president and his wife. I will just send a scripture that encompassas the greatest thing I learned.
D&C 121 Verses 45-46 I think.
That we need to be full of charity. If we do this, the Lord promisses that the Douctrine of the Priestood will distill upon our souls as the dew from heaven.
I understood this promise to a new degree. It's difficult to describe but we will know the ''why'' of many things. Understanding and Knowledge are things that are a lifelong search.
I left that meeting with new purpose and determination!
(To be continued monday)
Elder Wallace
A Fuba cake Elder Ashby made me for my birthday. Me eating it. Zona Uberlandia.
Joseph Smith Was Almost Born In November!
Well this week was full of ups and downs!
We worked ourselves sick, literally.
Thanks for all the awesome photos, I'm sure the people in the internet cafe think I have a problem because of how I am laughing and smiling now. My computer neighbors are probably sick of me saying, "hey, look at this!" every time I open an email from mom with photos.
This first transfer with Elder Ashby has been really rewarding, I've learned a lot and I'm amazed at all the progress he's making.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I love hearing about all the great stuff everyone is doing to share the Gospel or strengthen others. It will all be worth it, this I promise you.
We're going to keep working with our family that is keeping commitments, but I think we will have to cut a few families that are not. It's hard because I know it's a hard change for them, but that's what would make the change sooo rewarding. I have to remind myself that God has people prepared and waiting for us, people that have the desire and are not baptized just because they don't know where to find the truth.
This week I was cringing in fast and testimony meeting as a few apostasies were spoken:
A lady that said she prays to joseph smith (whoops)
A man that said the Book of mormon is a new bible.... (nooo!)
Haha, I know the church is true and that the most important thing is for my investigators to feel the spirit. I just pray really hard that they aren't paying atention when those things are said!
Love you tons!
Elder Wallace
We worked ourselves sick, literally.
Thanks for all the awesome photos, I'm sure the people in the internet cafe think I have a problem because of how I am laughing and smiling now. My computer neighbors are probably sick of me saying, "hey, look at this!" every time I open an email from mom with photos.
This first transfer with Elder Ashby has been really rewarding, I've learned a lot and I'm amazed at all the progress he's making.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I love hearing about all the great stuff everyone is doing to share the Gospel or strengthen others. It will all be worth it, this I promise you.
We're going to keep working with our family that is keeping commitments, but I think we will have to cut a few families that are not. It's hard because I know it's a hard change for them, but that's what would make the change sooo rewarding. I have to remind myself that God has people prepared and waiting for us, people that have the desire and are not baptized just because they don't know where to find the truth.
This week I was cringing in fast and testimony meeting as a few apostasies were spoken:
A lady that said she prays to joseph smith (whoops)
A man that said the Book of mormon is a new bible.... (nooo!)
Haha, I know the church is true and that the most important thing is for my investigators to feel the spirit. I just pray really hard that they aren't paying atention when those things are said!
Love you tons!
Elder Wallace
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