Monday, October 28, 2013

Esta Semana

Thanks for all the Emails, it's fantastic to hear from everybody.

I can tell you I will sleep a lot this pday, Elder Ashby and I are pretty beat. This week we've been filling our planners to the brim. There is literally not an empty space on there (I'll have to send a pic).

Last P-day we actually went and did something instead of sleeping the day away! (Which is probably why we've been so tired all week haha) We went to parque do Sabia. It's a lake/park that has some cool animals. We almost went to the aquarium but Elder Hayden told us it looks like the place you buy fish in Wallmart.
We walked around a bit, drank coconuts, ate mangos, and even saw a few monkeys! I took WAY more pictures of the monkeys than anything else. We almost fed them from our hands but decided it would be better to stay here in the mission than go home with some weird virus from a monkey bite.

We have a bunch of people that will come to church, but they mainly have one of two obstacles: Word of Wisdom, and getting Married!
Needless to say We will be teaching some powerful spirit-filled law of chastity lessons.

Where's the foto of your costume mom? and dad? haha.
Thanks for the birthday wishes! You can repeat them this next week too! Happy happy birthday for Jess and Tanner. Mom only needs to make two cakes in November now. haha.

So I've been trying to work a lot more with the members. We've taught a lot of incomplete families and people that have stopped coming to church. Not any success YET. We've had a couple of lessons where we are trying to rescue somebody, but we end up leaving the house a bit depressed. It is so so important to listen to the councils of our prophets about when we have doubts, I won't get into details.

One of these lessons was really great, I was talking with Elder Ashby after and we had both felt the reason that that person had left the church, it was something so very very quiet from the spirit, but we both had felt it. In that lesson I opened my scriptures to leave a part for her to read, I looked at Elder Ashby and he had already opened to the exact verse that I was going to leave. Very spiritual and I knew in that moment that we were teaching what the Lord wanted.

Have a fantastic week, send more pics!
Elder Wallace

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Batisamos Para Exaltar!

Oi familia!
Let's see if google translate will function.

Estou muito animado pois estamos trabalhando somente com familias! Claro vamos batisar outras pessoas, mas estamos batisando para exaltar, nao somente salvar.
Tinhamos uma conferencia muito bom com o presidente Kuceki. Eu estou orando que podemos batisar uma familia por semana, e realmente O Senhor esta cumprindo a parte dele. Encontramos 3 familias, cada um pode batisar nas semanas seguintes!

Ontem a noite eu estava muito cansado. Nos andamos e andamos e muitos comprimissos cairam. Mas Eu tinha  a sentimento que vamos trabalhar ate o po e o senhor vai nos abençoar com uma familia. 15 minutos ate 9 horas nos entramos uma casa e ensinamos uma mae e a filha dela. Encontramos batendo portas (raramente alguem deixa voce entrar aquela horario a noite). Elas sentiram o espirito e vamos voltar la no sabado. Se elas cumprem os compromissos, vamos ter 3 familias!

Eu tenho um testemunho dessa maravilhosa obra. Eu sei que quando nos trabalhamos com o espirito e planejar bem, o senhor guia cada minuto de nosso dia. Ele coloca a gente pra falar com eleitos, encontrar menos ativos, e buscar tuas ovelhas perdidas.

One cool experience was when Elder Ashby (who is learning very quickly) stopped a man that was entering his house, that I would have let pass. Turns out he was baptized a long time ago, we had a great lesson with him and called him and his wife to come back.

Amo voces MUITO!
Elder Wallace

Monday, September 30, 2013


Wow. Where to start.

So this week has been fantastic. Elder Castro's prayers were answered, and he was transfered on tuesday haha. There were two pairs of missionaries here in Planalto, but now it will be just me and my companion, Elder Ashby.

They don't come much greener, haha. He is fantastic, fresh from the US where he was waiting for his visa in Sandy, Utah. By the way, he is from sandy, Utah.... He served there for 1 transfer, kind of funny, but he didn't run in to anyone he knew really well.

I was suprised when I found out I will be training an american. I was super super excited but I was praying the whole day before I went to get him. I know I will need the Lord's help. A Lot. I trust in him completely, and I feel like we're going to have a lot of success because we'll be compelled to rely on the lord!

We met quite a few people this week and three of our investigators went to the church. We'll have two baptisms in the beginning of october, which is awesome because that will help Elder Ashby expect that we baptize every week (that's also my goal from now on).  I'm pushing him really fast. I already lived with someone training an american and they didn't let him do anything because they didn't think he could.
Elder Ashby is growing really fast because he will DO everything that he doesn't think he can do. haha. This is his first week, and he is talking to people in the street, teaching a little bit too. He even invited two people to be baptized, and we will mark a date with one of them this week!

I feel like a proud father... haha.
I'm really excited to be here in Planalto because now that there's just one pair of missionaries I'm teaching everyone that I was teaching with Elder Castro, AND all the people that Elder Peterson was teaching. pretty fantastic because I love having a planner jam packed. We're going to need a lot of help from the members to visit everybody.

Love you tons!
Elder Wallace

Cansado, Mas Feliz

If I could choose one word for this week it would be tiring. There are lots of days that I am tired, I've never slept so solidly in my life as I have during the mission. But this week I was WAY tired. We fast pretty often here and it's getting pretty hot outside! funny how the weather gets hotter in winter here.

I've been tired but always trying to be happy. Some highlights of my week are when Elder Castro and I are teaching and I can see when the person we are teaching doesn't understand and I used examples to help them understand. I've got some pretty awesome examples I like to use for the lessons. (do you remember Jilo? that nasty veggie? I like the parabola of the Jilo and cake to teach about the fall)

Another thing I love doing now is talking with people in the street. I've gotten way better at that, but this week I learned that I should listen to the spirit even in street contacts. For example usually a third of the people we talk to give their address to us, but when we go to their house they don't want anything. This week I learned that if I pay attention, the spirit helps me know who has real intent or not. This is awesome because we don't waste time chasing people that just give us an address and don't have desire to hear.

I've also been changing up the contacts I make, usually it's something about the restoration or gospel, but The plan of salvation is fun to talk to people about too. I'm amazed when I stop to make a contact and the words just flow. Really my prayers have been answered in this aspect.

This week we had Stake conference, held in our chapel. It wasn't made to hold that many people! haha. I wish I had my camera with me at the time, there wasn't a single empty seat.

Some cool things that our inspired president has done:
1. Established a goal of talking to 100 people per week in the street. (I got about 65 this week and I'm determined to get 100!)
2. removed the "Introductory lesson" So this was a lesson that you memorize almost word for word. We always used it in the first visit. It was great at the start of the mission because I could teach without knowing much portuguese. But I'm LOVING teaching more freely now. There are some missionaries that have taught this lesson their entire mission!

Anyway I'm doing great. Elder Castro is crazy to be transferred! haha he has 6 months here. I hope everyone is healthy and well and always looking to do more than we think is necessary.

This week I read alma 2, where alma leads the nephites to battle the wicked lamanites and anlicites. Alma finds himself fighting for his life against Anlici, and he starts to lose... He cries to lord, 'have mercy on me and spare my life, so that I can be an instrument in thy hands to bring this people to salvation'. And he is strengthened, slaying Anlici (name in portuguese)

We have times in our lives that we start to lose 'the battle'. I love when Book of Mormon heroes pray to be instruments in the lord's hands. I know that if we give our life to him he will make more out of us than we ever thought possible.

Love you all,
Elder Wallace

I spent last pday in division with Elder Daniel (from Sao paulo)
We made pizza
3. Elder Castro eats tons of eggs because he wants to get buff before he gets home. I doodled on them. Kinda weird, I know. haha.

We ate lunch at Carmens house, a member that has 19 exotic birds, very cool.


Wow, so a picture is worth a thousand words, that's why it takes so long to upload!
This week was great, I had splits with other missionaries two times, both of which I decided to go big and mark baptismal dates, I marked 4 for the 5th of October!

We met some people that have really been prepared by the Lord. It's amazing how different people can be but when they hear the message of the Restoration and the spirit touches their hearts. They don't know why but they want to know more.

Elder Castro (my companion) is pretty much fasting to be transferred, haha. He's been in this area for quite some time.

Love you all tons!
Elder Wallace

Cansado Mas Feliz!

If I could choose one word for this week it would be tiring. There are lots of days that I am tired, I've never slept so solidly in my life as I have during the mission. But this week I was WAY tired. We fast pretty often here and it's getting pretty hot outside! funny how the weather gets hotter in winter here.

I've been tired but always trying to be happy. Some highlights of my week are when Elder Castro and I are teaching and I can see when the person we are teaching doesn't understand and I used examples to help them understand. I've got some pretty awesome examples I like to use for the lessons. (do you remember Jilo? that nasty veggie? I like the parabola of the Jilo and cake to teach about the fall)

Another thing I love doing now is talking with people in the street. I've gotten way better at that, but this week I learned that I should listen to the spirit even in street contacts. For example usually a third of the people we talk to give their address to us, but when we go to their house they don't want anything. This week I learned that if I pay attention, the spirit helps me know who has real intent or not. This is awesome because we don't waste time chasing people that just give us an address and don't have desire to hear.

I've also been changing up the contacts I make, usually it's something about the restoration or gospel, but The plan of salvation is fun to talk to people about too. I'm amazed when I stop to make a contact and the words just flow. Really my prayers have been answered in this aspect.

This week we had Stake conference, held in our chapel. It wasn't made to hold that many people! haha. I wish I had my camera with me at the time, there wasn't a single empty seat.

Some cool things that our inspired president has done:
1. Established a goal of talking to 100 people per week in the street. (I got about 65 this week and I'm determined to get 100!)
2. removed the "Introductory lesson" So this was a lesson that you memorize almost word for word. We always used it in the first visit. It was great at the start of the mission because I could teach without knowing much portuguese. But I'm LOVING teaching more freely now. There are some missionaries that have taught this lesson their entire mission!

Anyway I'm doing great. Elder Castro is crazy to be transferred! haha he has 6 months here. I hope everyone is healthy and well and always looking to do more than we think is necessary.

This week I read alma 2, where alma leads the nephites to battle the wicked lamanites and anlicites. Alma finds himself fighting for his life against Anlici, and he starts to lose... He cries to lord, 'have mercy on me and spare my life, so that I can be an instrument in thy hands to bring this people to salvation'. And he is strengthened, slaying Anlici (name in portuguese)

We have times in our lives that we start to lose 'the battle'. I love when Book of Mormon heroes pray to be instruments in the lord's hands. I know that if we give our life to him he will make more out of us than we ever thought possible.

Love you all,
Elder Wallace

I spent last pday in division with Elder Daniel (from Sao paulo)
We made pizza
3. Elder Castro eats tons of eggs because he wants to get buff before he gets home. I doodled on them. Kinda weird, I know. haha.

Fotos Of The "Gincana Das Cores"

We had a competition during four weeks every wednesday. We seperated four teams taught about the Gospel and restoration and had games.

The teams could gain points:
In the Games
Bringing non members
Bringing a friend to church
Other competitions (oldest liahona, biggest shoe)

It was really cool, this week was the finale so I brought my camera. Here we have the classic cracker on the forehead, who can make a beautiful sound with a horn? frisbee through (I was suprised to know that some people have never thrown a frisbee ever)

And we had food after (of course!)
It was really great to help our investigators and recent converts integrate with the ward, and we got a couple of referals!

It's really easy to gain weight because lots of us don't have time to really eat well. I weigh 175 now and I was 158 when I entered the MTC. I always eat a good breakfast, a couple eggs and banana smoothie. Lunch We always eat a TON because we don't eat again until 930 or ten o clock. Eating right before sleeping and all the rice is what makes me gain weight I think. Now I'm eating a little less at lunch and eating lots of fruits. Man the fruit here is awesome! Mangos are in season now.

Elder Wallace

 an owl.
Rai, a member that is awesome, helps us a ton with visits. He'll be serving a mission this year.
Cracker on the head
blowing the horn!

Whoo! Hello September!

One more month until General conference! President Kuceki also has informed us that two general authorities with do a mission tour here in October! Super Excited.

President came out and did interviews with the zone this week. I asked him for a blessing, and it was one of the most powerful blessings I have ever had. I know that he spoke by the power of the priesthood because he said many things that I won't share. It was a sacred experience for me. Basically Since the 30th of October, I've started the 2nd part of my mission, and it will be a lot better than the first.

I'm trying to think of ways  to talk to more people in less time.
A couple times we did an exposition in the market. That was pretty awesome.

Here are some of my ideas:
Make a giant Book of mormon, the size of a mattress, and set it up in an area with lots of people passing.

Make a questionaire that has questions that testify of the Restoration and give it out in the schools or do an activity with the ward distributing it in the neighborhood.

Get a big picture of someone being baptized, and set it up with scriptures (john 3:5) (Acts 2) and talk with people about baptism and how we need to be baptized.

Let me know what you think or if you have any ideas to get more referrals in less time!

Love you all and my time is short, Loved the pic of Jess and Tanner going to the game!

Elder Wallace

Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekly Miracles

Tudo bem? How is everybody?

So this Saturday we had the baptism of William (the little brother of one of our recent converts) I almost missed sacrament meeting trying to get him confirmed! We went to wake him up an hour before but the step-dad told us that he already left (hmmm. not likely) I went on splits with a member 10 minutes before the meeting and we knocked and knocked and called his name and knocked some more. He crashed his bike after the baptism and was all sorts of hurting, but we got a shirt on him and drove him to the church.  William was super excited to be baptized. After we taught him the word of wisdom he said the prayer and promised God that he wouldn't drink coffee any more.

The other two Baptisms we had this week was Lorrayne and Beatriz. Bea was super excited to get baptized (I baptized her and william) and The best part is that their mom Andreia, is coming back to the church after 7-8 years. I'm really happy when we're baptizing, but I'm equally happy, or maybe more, when we help somebody return to the truth and joy they once knew.
Bea's feet went above the water and I ended up putting her toes under my foot to help. I'm starting to get all the little tricks down haha. Man the water was COLD! she was a popsicle when she left.

The miracle of the week:
Saturday we taught a mom and daughter that were really neat, but when it came time to make commitments they were what we call moli (soft). They beat around the bush and wouldn't commit.

Come Sunday and we were going inside with Andreia. A member pulled me aside and said, "you have an investigator waiting for you!" I thought can't be, they're all inside already, she's probably looking for the other ward. But when I went to the door their they were!!! Wooohooo! I was praying to give thanks the rest of the day.

I found out that after we left the daughter started researching the church on the internet. Fortunately she ended up on the church site! She wanted to know more about the book of mormon, and I was happy to explain.

Love you all tons and thanks for the Awesome pictures.
Jessica - you're way tan
Tanner - You're a Freshman already?!?! awesome
Nate - the pic with the cucumbers made me laugh
Dad and mom - My companion (Elder Castro) knows how hardcore you guys are with that awesome kayak pic.
Spence and Brooke.... Love you tons! good luck with school stuff!

I made Cookies!
Baptism of William
Baptism of Lorrayne Cardoso Gomes, Beatiz pereira Gomes, (Andreia is the mom)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Boa Tarde!

 how is everyone? Thanks for the Emails!
This week we had transfers. Much to his dismay, my companion "ficou" haha. We never know what will happen with transfers. All of the people that have a lot of time here stayed, and BOTH of our zone leaders were transfered! (Elder Cain and Marques that were living with me and Elder Castro). I'll miss Elder Cain, we worked alot together in Barra do Garças.
Arrived: Elder Peterson, from California, our new zone leader. The suprise is that normally we have 2 zone leaders, but Elder Peterson will be zone leader AND train Elder McClane (fresh from Provo). Needless to say he has a full plate. Here's a picture of them, and a picture of me and elder castro with a weird water tower close to our house.

Today I'm going to make cookies for Elder Castro! Wish me luck because I couldn't find the equivlant of shortening, and I bought a solid rock of brown sugar that I will grate like cheese. His birthday was this week. A family made a churrasco (bbq) and a delicious cake for us. It was the first time I ate chicken hearts here in the mission. They were even better than the chicken hearts we ate in Tucanos (Maybe because the chickens here are more loving). I can't help but think that for every one I eat a chicken died.

It's nice to be helping Elder McClane with the language, it helps me see how far I've come. He is learning WAY fast!

So, I'll share a miracle today that happened this week. We were returning to our area after doing baptismal interviews.

I got on the bus and the guy that collects tariff called me over. He was really excited to see the Elders and started telling me about a film he watched recently, the Lord's Errand. I found out he was baptized some time ago in Rio de Janeiro. He moved to Uberlandia 4 years ago, and has been keeping busy with 2 jobs and his 2 kids. 

Turns out that he didn't know the church existed here in Uberlandia! I got his address and passed it to the missionaries that work in his area. He's lived here for 4 years but wasn't able to find the church! He got pretty excited and asked me to send a book of mormon with the missionaries that will visit him.
His daughter and son are more than 8 years old, and they can get baptized. The Lord is putting people in our path if we just open our mouths to talk to them.

This week we should have two baptisms, with another marked if we can help this couple get married!

Thanks for your prayers and all you do!
Love Elder Wallace

Monday, August 12, 2013

Boas Noticias


We just got back from parque Sabia. Really neat place here in Uberlandia, we played beach volleyball! It was pretty great. Here's a pic of me with some of the wildlife.

This week was really good. I see a lot of miracles here, here's one in particular I want to share.
Saturday we fasted and prayed that we could find a family. After we finished fasting on sunday, we were making contacts and talked to a guy leaving a supermarket. We got his address and marked to meet with him on tuesday. We went to Guilson's house on tuesday, and clapping (because you only knock sometimes haha) a woman came to talk to us. Turns out that Guilson gave us the wrong address and he doesn't live there, but we taught the woman (Andreia). She was super elect! 
Another visit later and we were teaching her, her 4 kids and her husband, her husband and the kids committed to come to church with us. 
   Saturday I passed by with elder Marques (one of the zone leaders) We found out that Andreia is actually a member and was baptized 7-8 years ago! 
We called them Sunday morning and they were excited to go to church. We found out later that Douglas (the husband) was traveling for work, and he was going to drive them all to the church. So Andreia got all the kids up and ready and they all walked there by themselves.
That night we went by with a member and marked baptismal dates for August 24 with the two kids that are old enough. 
It was really a miracle finding Andreia and we are excited to help her come back to the church.

Other highlights of the week include.
Marking baptismal dates despite a drunken mother-in-law. She was really pretty funny but wouldn't stop talking!!!

Teaching the first lesson to a family we met on the street. the End went something like this 
"and we end this lesson in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
-Grandpa- "Great message, Let's give them a hand!"
Everyone starts clapping. haha.

Well Tranfers will be tonight or tomorrow and Elder Castro is dead certain that he will be transferred. haha. 

I'm excited for the people we met this week and we have a family night planned with a bunch of them tonight, Family nights are really great here. There's a sister Vani who will do anything for the missionaries, and we'll be holding it in her house, much to her excitement.

Oh one more thing. Everybody stay far far away from drugs. Holy cow we visited a family that had a bit of trouble in the past, and the Dad had a relapse this week. I've never seen anyone so broken, weeping uncontrolably. We gave him a blessing and will get him some help with the programs the church has.

The church is true and I love all of you.

Elder Wallace.

Monday, August 5, 2013

E-mail Semanal

Whew! time flies, it really does.
Thanks mom and dad for the emails, and thanks friends that are emailing too! 
Mom I love getting pictures from you so keep sending them! (I'll buy a camera this week, haha.)
So here are some experiences of the week.

I talked to a guy in the street sunday afternoon. He was receptive and we said we'd pass by his house in an hour. We taught another lesson and went to his house. I should have known he was on his way to the bar when we met him! We started to talk to him and he was ''bebedo''. We said that we'd pass by another day and he was like, "no no, let's go inside." then we watched him try to stand up for a few moments before telling him it's alright, we'll see you later.
You'd be suprised how many drunks stop us in the street and how well they know the scriptures!

One of them stopped us and insisted that we share 'a word of God' with him. We never stop to talk to them but this time Elder Castro opened 1 Corinthians and read the verse that our body is a temple. Opa! The drunk loved it.

We met a Young couple (our age) that were recently married and moved here. Jonatan and Geovana! They are super good. Jonatan has tons of questions and understands what we teach! I'm excited to see them again this week, it's just tricky with his work schedule since he works afternoon and sleeps until noon. The fulbecas slept in on sunday! But we'll get them this week.

So sunday is my favorite day, especially when we have people for the first time visiting. Sunday morning we call everyone by payphone since we can't with our phone. We knock on their doors and then we head to the chapel. After we bring that group to the chapel we get a ride with a member to get the rest. We're pretty much like one of those little annoying dogs that keep trying to bite your foot, we stay right on their heels. (I was bitten by one of those dogs here already.)

The zone leaders are doing a really cool program with super heroes, I'll send you some pictures next week!

Love Elder Wallace

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hey Family! Que Frio!

This week was really good. Can you believe we actually left the house with suits one morning?!? it was chilly! Really weird, all of a sudden we had three days of wind with a humid chill. I slept with a jacket, shorts, and socks.

Gelo' is a vejetable, or so I'm told. You all know I'm not a picky eater, but this was terrible! I was excited to try some new things at a buffet and I put some on my plate. Ugh! Very bitter! But I ate it all because you pay extra if you waste food (they should do that in the US in my opinion.)

So this week we're all out of money, haha. I'm learning to budget well and eat cheap. The diet of a missionary here consists of Bread, eggs, milk, bananas and oranges (oranges are super cheap but not quite as tastey).
My expenses for food for one week $9.00. Thanks to all the wonderful sisters that feed us so well here in Uberlandia.

This week we met lots of people, since we've been talking to EVERYBODY! My favorite was Paulo, who is taking a course in theology to help him decide which religion to join. But he didn't show at church, we called everyone and passed by their houses to confirm, but this week again we had 0. 
I always feel super bumbed when this happens, on the flip side I get super excited when we bring people to the church. 

So a couple days ago I was thinking about what we could do different to help people keep commitments. I prayed, saying I know we still have a lot to learn and we don't deserve it, but I want to see a miracle. We'll talk to everybody please help us find some.
And after church my prayer was answered. I we walked clear to the end of our area to contact a lady we met in the street, Tatiane. We met with her and her daughter Nicole. It was a Miracle. I think nicole was one of the first people I've met that really understood what Moroni's promise meant, and the difference that the answer would make. 
Both of them accepted to visit the church this sunday and to be baptized.

We also contacted a lady named Kelly that I met in the fair (I'll talk about this in a bit.) She was really good to, she also accepted to be baptized.

On tuesday we carried a big table clear down to the fair and set up an exposition. The bigger neighborhoods here have fairs every week where you can buy fruit, veggies, clothes, and all sorts of yummy stuff. I like the churros. In a couple hours I had the addresses of 15 people to visit. It was great to change up the routine and see it work. President Prieto said "If you want different results do something different".

I'm starting to understand our role in helping the ward here grow and I'm starting to teach more naturally, which is a relief. Before I was worried about hitting every point in the lesson, now that I'm starting to know the lessons better I can converse with the person and teach to their understanding.

Love the pictures!

Love you all 

Elder Wallace

Monday, July 22, 2013


Hello hello!

Whoo! time flies when you're busy. I'm starting to know the area and the members here which is just great. One thing I'm really excited for is the deal that Elder Castro and I won't let anybody pass us in the street (except young kids and people sooo drunk that they aren't walking straight.) Actually, the drunks love talking to us, and quite a few of them have more scriptures memorized than I did before seminary. haha.

So this week we met president Kuceki and family. He is amazing and will be great for the mission. He's already passed a few programs that will help a lot, with more to come. He's praying to triple the number of baptisms here in the mission!!! I have complete faith that it will happen, and were doing the works to realize that goal. He taught us that we have more power than we think, in a way that just blew my mind.

Here's something cool that he told us President Monson said, translated more or less. "The only reason God let the internet be invented was for missionary work"

That said I challenge everybody to go out of your way to use the internet this week for the reason it was allowed to exist. 

This week will be a week of finding new investigators. The 2 families we had in the church are starting to give excuses, but we'll give a lesson of power and call them to the church this week again.
We're already seeing the blessings of talking with EVERYONE. Remember We bought a pizza on the 4th of July and the lady asked if we had a pamphlet? We said even better we have a lesson that will explain everything. Since then we've taught the 3 kids. Returning there later I met the dad. Guaran.
He's from india. He opened the door and said "I don't speak portuguese!" I just smiled and started to talk to him. He and his wife met doing courses in England, were married in india, and moved here about 4 months ago.

It will be interesting teaching a family that speaks half portuguese half english, and the dad is Hindu! haha I'm super excited.

We also met an indian that is very lonely recuperating from a surgery, that is an elect of the Lord. The other night I talked to a guy smoking and he has a family of 5 that we will teach today. I talked to a guy that is taking a Theology class to help him decide what church to join. mwahaha! 
It really is a miracle how many people the Lord has prepared and put in our path.

Oh. I ate Gelo´ this week for the first time. It's a green thing that has an absolutely abominable taste. maybe Bro Nelson remebers it. Man it was nasty but I was eating at a restaurant that you pay extra if you waste food, so I ate it all.

Also this week I ate Canjica! The stake here had a "Festa Julinha". We brought an investigator there. There was a kind of square dance deal, lots of popcorn, cornbread, and caldos (kind of stew but not). Canjica is like a stew but really sweet. It has corn and peanuts and cinnamon! Man it was good!

Anyway love you all have a great week. Bro Nelson send my love to the mission prep people. Enjoy the waffles or cereal!
Christ is our Savior
The book of Mormon has soooo much truth and knowledge!
The Priesthood and all the keys are here, and will never be taken from the earth again.

Love you all!

Elder Wallace

Monday, July 15, 2013

Novo Presidente!

Na verdade, ainda nao conhecemos ele... mas ouvi muitas coisas boas!

He didn't visit us yet. But today we got an email saying that the new goal for baptisms for a companionship in a month is 12. woooh! haha. It was 6 before.

To tell the truth I have baptised not many people here. I got transferred from goainia and Barra right before the baptisms. I want to baptise! haha. Elder Castro and I met 2 families this week, Rogerio and Zilda, that came to church with us. 
  I'm really grateful for the members that help. It's a bit awkward if you are trying to make friendships for them if you are asking people to stick with your investigators.
   Rai, one of the members here  is 20 years old and waiting for the 1 year mark after his baptism to serve a mission. He loves the missionaries and being a missionary. We were eating lunch with him and he was talking about people looking at the new people but not greeting them, " the sign says visitors welcome! so run to them, shake their hand and say, good morning!!!" haha.

The language is coming along. I've been doing splits with elder cain and elder Marques, the zone leaders that we live with. I'm seeing that I will always have something to improve when it comes to teaching people. The best way to teach if you really want them to understand is to almost say nothing. Ask questions and show them scriptures to teach what you want to say. People understand WAY better when you do it this way.

Basically President prieto said we need to memorize the points of every paragraph in Preach my Gospel. I'm seeing now that it's good to do this because if you know all the material it's a lot easier to draw from what you know to adapt the lesson to the person. 

Other than that I'm just loving life here in Uberlandia. It's hot but not as hot as Mato Grosso! Sorry Elder Kennington!


Elder Wallace

Monday, July 1, 2013



So last week I was transfered the same day that everyone went to Goiana for the last conference of President Prieto and Sister (which was very very good). I was called the night before at 10:40 to pack my bags. That's how tranfers work here, haha.

I was a little sad to leave Barra do Garças. Well, a lot sad. Thiago and Erika got married, I got to sign the Marriage contract! haha. It was pretty cool, Less than an hour to sign the paper, trade rings, and then everybody went home and will party later. 
Erika was baptized this saturday. Thiago baptized her. When the elders met thiago he had been inactive since being a deacon, living with his spouse. He started to come back on his own, AND brought Erika with him. He was ordained a priest after the wedding so he could baptize her. I won't forget them!

Now I'm in Uberlandia. Cool name huh? It's a LOT cooler here than Barra, which is nice. And we have a chapel, looks like I'll still be playing the hymns though (thank you mom for hounding me to practice! I should have listened more).

My companion is Elder Castro, from Sao Paulo. I'm happy because they speak portuguese very well there, hopefully he can help me kill my accent a bit.
He has some great strengths like working with the members and teaching with the spirit. He teaches very clearly. I'm looking forward to using the strengths that we both have to work here. 

This week we baptized Sergio, an investigator of Elder Castro. I confirmed him.

One thing We do a lot here is stop people in the street, something I had a hard time with in Goiania! But surprisingly It's me that's making a lot of the small talk with people. 

Another good thing is that we always have lunch here! wooh! the members are great.

Also In our house is elder Cain, who was in Barra with me.

(Still no camera, but I'm sure it'll arrive before christmas! hahaha.)
Love you all tons,

Elder Wallace

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Esta Semana

Thanks for all your prayers and letters!

This week we started working in Pontal, the city between the two rivers here. It is going awesome so far! We had 18 visitors in the church this week, which was awesome! 7 of them have the potential to be baptized, (because of marriage, etc.) 

Holy cow this last week our washing machine broke, so we're doing it the good ol' fashioned way! I went to get a pair of pants one day and a huge spider crawled out of the pocket! I'll try and send a picture. I never had a fear of spiders but this was a different creature!

We see the craziest things here. The other night I saw two motorcylces get in a wreck. We went to visit one of our investigators, found out his dad's truck got hijacked, the dad was kidnapped for a day and luckily they left him tied up on the side of the road. We have a family waiting to have enough money to escape to Goiana because of family trouble here.

Count your blessings!!!

It's amazing how we can be happy in the hardest circumstances. If you're not happy, Repent!!! These people are happy.

Anyway Elder Cain was transfered, the branch here really loved him, but we have a different elder here now and he should be great.

Also I'll try to send a picture of the pig meat that antonio gave us, fresh from the pig... 

Love you tons!

Elder Wallace

Elder Winkel and Elder Wallace

Monday, June 10, 2013

I Have The Coolest And Best Family In The World!!

Not much time to write, thanks for all the great letters guys!

Holy cow, Tanner and Nate you guys are so awesome, as long as you're having fun and loving life that's good enough for me. Sounds like you guys are being pretty helpful around the house too?

This week I gave another talk in Sacrament, about our relationship with Heavenly father and Jesus Christ. I really have a testimony that they know us personally. John 15''16 and the verses before are some of my favorites. Greater love hath no man than this, than dieing for his friends, We are his friends, if we keep the commandments.

How cool is this church?!? We have a prophet, 12 apostles, the priesthood, ALL the truth.

This week we taught a TON, and all everyone who committed to come to church with us fell through... Ugh. But I won't get discouraged, just determined. I want to do better with studying and obedience, Jeffrey R. Holland said that the hours between 6:30 and 10:30 are the most important for us. This is something that I can do personally to make an even greater effort to help his children here.

Wow we met lots of druggies this week... Don't do drugs, they destroy people. Literally destroy. 

My companion Elder Winkel knows the bible, really really really well. He has the ability to answer almost any question with a scripture from it, but what is really impressive is his refraining from bible bashing, sometimes he gets close haha, something that is useful is to have the scriptures memorized so you don't pull out the bible confrontationally, we just testify of the truth leave with a prayer.The spirit is the teacher, and if he's not there, we won't accomplish anything.

I'm excited to try some new things this week, we will be inviting lots of people to be baptized. The church is true, the scriptures are awesome.

Just a thought Isaiah 55:8-9. God's thoughts and ways are higher than ours. He has soooo much in store for us. He requires some things of us like baptism, we are so lucky to be able to make covenants and have the opportunity to recieve all the blessings that are in store for us in the eternities. It's on his terms, not ours.

Love you all tons!

Elder Wallace

Monday, June 3, 2013

Marcamos Datas!

So President Prieto and the assistants were out here for a day and a half, he gave a presentation on the Origin of the Book of Mormon. It was great and I think some of the members are more excited. 

This month we have 5 Baptismal dates and We're looking for at least 2 more! 
Anna and Raissa, Anna lived in the US for 9 years. She was at a party in Rio de Janeiro and met a guy at a party. They didn't speak eachother's languages but got a translater and became good friends, He brought her to the US, paid for english lessons, and she was like a second mother to the kids. Raissa is her adopted daughter. Anna is super super super nice and takes care of everyone that she comes into contact with. She's sent us home with food more than once.

Eliene and Alessandra. Wow these girls are part of a family that we call Eleitos do senhor! They loved the church loved the first lesson we gave and accepted to be baptised. Last night we found out that they'll be sending the girls to Goiana.

I miss the temple and healthy families. It's hard to see people suffering in families because of decisions that one person made. It's a sacrifice to pay to get maried legally and a huge deal to get to the temple, 3 days by car and lot's of people don't have a car. let alone the time or money to get there.
Man we are so lucky.

The language is starting to feel a lot more natural!

So... Last week we were looking at the waterfalls, we were on a trail and I was last. One of the first two missionaries Hit a tree with a wasps nest or something and they started coming down on Elder Falcao and me. We're talking Giant monster Jungle Wasps. Bigger than your head! Well maybe not that big. Anyway kinda funny Elder Falcoa and I were yelling and swatting, we escaped almost unscathed, they got me in the back and him on the arm a couple times.

Love you tons

Elder Wallace

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


So, remember when we climbed the stairs to the Redeemer Statue? Well we found out that if you descend by the other side, you can pass a bunch of cool waterfalls....

I try to get the camera from elder Winkel in a bit. But it was awesome!!! quite the workout. I counted the stairs more or less 1058... It's like Kung Fu Panda when he gets to the top and is all out of breath.

Ah man I love it here. We were pretty disappointed this weekend, almost all of our investigators didn't come to church, and a lot of less actives didn't come.
The good news is that we are hoping to baptize 5 people this week, we're super excited because one of them finally decided to get married, (with the papers) we'll go with them to sign the papers tomorrow.

Here are some photos
It's a workout and the trail is a little crazy, but there were like 7-8 different waterfalls, two of them were pretty big.

Sending these photos will probably take up the rest of my time.

Minute to win it we had 6 people. It was because we had a baptism right before, so people were still at the church.

After church we got buckets because we have to empty the font by hand a lot, it doesn't drain very well!

President Prieto is coming out here this next weekend. I'm excited for that, he better not bring missionaries to transfer!!! :)

Love you all tons!
Elder Wallace